HSE is reviewing the Dangerous Goods in Harbour Areas Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/721) (DGHAR 2016) and wants to hear from you about how they are working.
DGAHR 2016 replaced the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Regulations 1987 (DSHAR) (SI 1987/37) following a review undertaken by HSE as part of its response to the Red Tape Challenge.
DGHAR 2016 intended to modernise and simplify DSHAR, removing redundant and superseded sections while retaining proportionate protections. This review, taking place 5 years after the introduction of DGHAR 2016, is intended to consider whether the regulations achieved their original objectives and remain the best option for achieving those objectives.
HSE would like to gather the views from the sector, and would therefore appreciate you taking 10 minutes to quickly complete a short survey to aid our review. The deadline for responses is the end of the day on Wednesday 24 March 2021.