HSE is reviewing the Dangerous Goods in Harbour Areas Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/721) (DGHAR 2016) and wants to hear from you about how they are working.

DGAHR 2016 replaced the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Regulations 1987 (DSHAR) (SI 1987/37) following a review undertaken by HSE as part of its response to the Red Tape Challenge.


DGHAR 2016  intended to modernise and simplify DSHAR, removing redundant and superseded sections while retaining proportionate protections. This review, taking place 5 years after the introduction of DGHAR 2016, is intended to consider whether the regulations achieved their original objectives and remain the best option for achieving those objectives.


HSE would like to gather the views from the sector, and would therefore appreciate you taking 10 minutes to quickly complete a short survey to aid our review. The deadline for responses is the end of the day on Wednesday 24 March 2021.

Please find some additional FACTS campaign materials on face coverings. Following FACTS is essential to help stop the spread of the virus and is even more important now to help suppress new virus strains.

FACTS Stakeholder Toolkit
The attached FACTS Stakeholder Toolkit includes a new film about best practice for wearing face coverings. There are shorter versions of the films for use on social, which show 5 top tips to ensure face coverings are as effective as possible.

How You Can Help

Please share these social animations and films with your audiences, and if sharing via social media please include the hashtag #WeAreScotland

Campaign Assets

This FACTS Face Covering Stakeholder Toolkit includes:


A Southport skip hire and recycling company, Johnsons Scrap Metal limited, has been charged £10,000 and instructed to pay costs of £4,000, after an employee suffered “serious injuries” to his arm.

A 22-year-old worker had been working at Johnsons Scrap Metal at Crowland Street, loading a 44 tonne “third party” vehicle with waste wood when the incident occurred.

An investigation completed by the HSE found that the company “neglected to assess the risks” and take valuable measures to prevent employees from accessing third party vehicles.

For more information please follow the link below.

HSE are conducting Research enquiry letter 11Feb21.pdf (69.2 KB) , meaning that HSE are undertaking 60 minute Zoom (or telephone if preferred) interviews with waste operatives. Obviously this is confidential and flexible and can be done outside of working hours.

It’s also an opportunity to earn a bit of extra money; HSE are offering £50 for participants themselves and £50 per participating person they refer.

If you want to take part or refer colleagues then please contact Laura.Woodward@kantar.com There is also information in your Member’s Newsletter this week.

This week we the Scottish Government have launched their Coronavirus ‘4 Things’ Narrative campaign. The campaign aims to reinforce why there is still a need for continued protective behaviours against the backdrop of the vaccine rollout and will run until 14th March, on TV, radio, digital, social and press channels.

The Narrative campaign introduces the importance of four key interventions needed in order to suppress the virus:

  1. Get vaccinated
  2. Follow health protection measures (FACTS)
  3. If you have symptoms self-isolate immediately and book a test
  4. Follow restrictions including travel advice (here and overseas)

A new end line to support this message has been introduced: Until we’ve all been vaccinated, protecting all of us, takes all of us.

This campaign will run alongside the new FACTS, Outbreak Levels and Test & Protect campaigns which will be running in March, and together these campaigns will work together to outline the key interventions that will help to protect us all.

How You Can Help

As always, we would really appreciate your help in sharing these campaign messages with your audience, as we have seen such positive results as a result of the collective partner outreach.

Campaign Assets

The  Stakeholder Toolkit (link below) includes all the assets the Scottish Government have created to communicate the new restrictions and reinforce the importance of staying at home to stop the spread of the virus:

20-21 – Coronavirus – Stakeholder Toolkit – 4 Things Narrative Approach – Final – 24 Feb 2021