SWITCH aim to:

  • Provide an e bulletin on current activities within health and safety, training, learning and development, and technical competence in the Scottish resource management industry
  • Actively share work which comes out of the Health and safety and the Education, training and competency work groups
  • Actively share developments from WISH
  • Aim to host one annual conference per annum

As a SWITCH member please help us by:

  • Help promote SWITCH and its objectives
  • Actively promote SWITCH activities within their organisations and across their networks
  • Support events and other promotional activities; e.g. by providing speakers for events, developing case studies, writing articles and demonstrating good practice
  • Promote Health and Safety
  • Promote Learning and Development

SWITCH members who contribute to the Health & Safety Forum
Education, Training & Competency Forum
will be considered to be SWITCH ambassadors

As a SWITCH ambassador your responsibility is to

  • Help promote SWITCH and its objectives.
  • Actively promote SWITCH activities within their organisations and across their networks.
  • Support events and other promotional activities; e.g. by providing speakers for events, developing case studies, writing articles and demonstrating good practice.
  • Promote Health and Safety
  • Promote Learning and Development

To carry out the work of SWITCH we rely on the good will and voluntary contributions of our SWITCH ambassadors. SWITCH ambassadors can volunteer to attend either of the two groups.

  • Health & Safety: Supporting continual improvement in health and safety
  • Education, training & Competency: Creating training, learning and development opportunities

The Group Lead shall agree new members to accept onto each of the groups but will be based on the following –

  • Experience and / or organisation you represent is relevant to group. For example specific H&S, training and education experience / knowledge
  • Current make up of group from private, public sector and third sector
  • Manage the numbers in each group to the optimum size

A code of conduct has been developed and all members will be asked to complete this prior to joining one of the working groups.

A number of ambassadors will be considered to be key stakeholders and in addition to representing their own organisation they may also represent a key stakeholder group such as CIWM, SESA, ZWS etc.