A survey was conducted in Autumn 2022 to gain insight from CIWM members and non members on their experiences of sector job and skill requirements.

Survey results will be used to contribute to a wider research project which will provide insight to support government decision making, as well as providing valuable data to employers across the sector as they prepare for the human resource implications of theNet Zero transition.

Please follow the links below for the research survey results and recordings of the meeting:

Survey Results 

Recordings of Meeting

Following a period of stakeholder engagement we are now in a position to share the final version of our Guidance on the Use, Storage and Disposal of Class B Firefighting Foams Containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (Dec 2022).221220-pops_firefighting foam PFOA disposal FINAL PDF.pdf (229.6 KB)

This guidance is aimed at anyone in Scotland who uses, stores, or disposes of Class B firefighting foams (FFs), and/or any other Firefighting foams, containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), namely PFOA. This includes manufacturers and suppliers of these fire foams as well as industries such as petrochemical, airports, harbours/ports, distillers, energy and waste sectors as well as others.

The guidance will be available for view on SEPA’s website shortly.

Summary of the guidance:

Class B Firefighting Foams (for example C8) have historically contained chemicals from the PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances) group of chemicals, namely perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS), and, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds.

PFOS and its related substances were restricted under the Stockholm Convention in May 2009, and therefore its use is already banned, and you should have ceased using and disposed of any stockpiles by June 2011. If you think your firefighting foam may contain PFOS, please urgently email: nationalwaste@sepa.org.uk using “possible PFOS containing FFs” as the subject to your email. It is important that SEPA is notified of these stockpiles before you undertake the steps to dispose of the foam

On the 1 January 2023 the requirements in relation to any firefighting foam that contains PFOA will change to limit their use which is the focus of this guidance.

The law does not allow the use of substances, mixtures and articles containing PFOA, its salts and PFOA related compounds beyond 1 January 2023 other than in accordance with certain requirements and timescale which are summarised in the guidance.

Where you are intending to continue to store or use firefighting foam containing (or potentially containing) PFOA in accordance with the conditions of the regulations or have a stockpile of more than 50 kg at a given location of firefighting foam containing (or potentially containing) PFOA above the concentration thresholds (including materials contained in hand-held extinguishers and/or foam concentrate), you are required to report annually by 4 July to SEPA at nationalwaste@sepa.org.uk . Details are set out in the guidance

HSE confirm Falls from height were the cause of most work-related fatalities in Britain during 2021/22.

Recent annual figures reveal that 29 workers were killed in falls from height last year.

Protect your employees and take the necessary precautions. Visit the HSE Working at Height Website for guidance along with a range of useful information and sources of advice for employees including key message and common work at height myths