Office Bearing Roles

SWITCH is registered with OSCR Scottish Charity Regulator and has a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary who are known as the trustees of the organisation.

Current roles are as follows –
> Chair – Jim Brown
> Treasurer – Alasdair Meldrum
> Secretary – Gail Orr

Co-opted trustees are –
> Charlie Devine
> Duncan Simpson
> Fiona Craig

The Trustees will comprise the executive committee.

The chair of each of the working groups will be a trustee (either elected or co-opted).

Trustee members will have suitable experience and will incorporate members from the public, private and third sector wherever possible.

All trustees will sign the code of conduct and will also abide by their responsibilities in terms of operating a SCIO.

Trustees will be selected in accordance with the SWITCH constitution.

Further information on SCIO can be found

In addition the trustees will be responsible for –

  • Provide strategic direction to both working groups
  • Ensure the work undertaken is within overall aims and objectives of SWITCH
  • Agree new work streams and plans
  • Coordinate and evaluate events
  • Promote SWITCH

The Trustees will aim to ensure

  • SWITCH comprises of representatives from key stakeholders such as Scottish Government, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Zero Waste Scotland, Health and Safety Executive, SQA, Local authorities, 3rd sector and private companies
  • Qualified and experienced H&S and training specialists for the sector