HSE AGM 30th July 2024 by Jim Brown, Chair SWITCH Forum

I was delighted as Chair of SWITCH Forum to be able to represent SWITCH at the HSE AGM at their offices at Redgrave Court, Bootle in Merseyside on 20th July.

The day commenced with coffee and time for networking with the HSE Board and Executive Team. This was a great opportunity for informal discussions, and it was clear that the HSE senior team were trying to engage as much as possible. It was good to be able to raise awareness of SWITCH Forum and the work we engage in in the waste and recycling sector in Scotland.

Thereafter there followed roundtable discussions where the attendees broke into smaller groups, having selected the workshop they wished to attend at time of registering to attend the AGM.

I had selected to attend the Net Zero roundtable and found myself in a small group including the CEO of the Health & Safety Executive, some HSE Directors and people representing other organisations e.g. Make UK, GMB Union and others. A great discussion then ensued covering net zero and how fast developing new technologies impact on net zero and how HSE can inform government and policy makers. Again, it was good to be able to speak from a waste sector perspective and how products being made today are still being put on the market without any thought into making them easy to take apart for reuse or recycling, having an impact on health and safety for waste operatives both in collection and reprocessing.

Following lunch, the AGM commenced both in person and for on-line attendees. Everyone was welcomed by the HSE Chair, Sarah Newton and there followed an overview of the Annual Report and Accounts from David Murray, Director of Finance and Corporate Services.

We then heard from Sarah Albon, HSE Chief Executive Officer with an outline of HSE’s programme and strategic priorities for the coming year.

The five objectives that the HSE are focused on until 2032 are:

  • Reduce work-related ill health, with a specific focus on mental health and stress.
  • Increase and maintain trust to ensure people feel safe where they live, where they work and in their environment.
  • Enable industry to innovate safely to prevent major incidents, supporting the move towards net zero.
  • Maintain the UK’s record as one of the safest countries to work in.
  • Ensure HSE is a great place to work, and we attract and retain exceptional people.

Sitting under these strategic objectives are six strategic themes which will guide their regulatory activities from 2022-2032:

  • A relevant HSE
  • A fair and just HSE
  • A people-focused HSE
  • A collaborative HSE
  • A financially viable HSE
  • An accessible HSE

There followed an at times robust Q&A session with Directors and senior management fielding questions as appropriate from members of the audience and from those watching remotely.

Overall it was a very well put together day and it was encouraging that the HSE were keen to engage and hear from as many people from a wide cross section of business sectors and it was great that we had the chance to tell people about SWITCH Forum and how we are striving to raise standards in health and safety and encourage people to have a career in the resource sector by providing pathways for education and training and increasing competence levels in the industry.