Advetec SWITCHED on to H&S of on-site waste management systems and site monitoring and controls

SWITCH invited Advetec to present a webinar on their on-site waste treatment plant and equipment and to explain the benefits of the system to those attending. Dr Stephen Wise and Ben Martin presented the process through several case studies and answered several questions about the system.

There is always a moment of hesitation when asking commercial businesses to present their processes at the SWITCH Forum as it is important to gain an insight into the technology and gain a clear understanding of the opportunities and challenges the kit presents but it is important not just to get a sales pitch.

Advetec clearly showed they had taken the time to embed and consider health and safety measures throughout their thinking from design, development, construction, commissioning and operations.

The system itself is a waste treatment process for residual waste which uses an aerobic process and a blend of bacteria and bio stimulants to accelerate and manage the process from input to output in the most efficient way. It is a modular design which allows for it to be “the right equipment in the right place.” When challenged on this point it was interesting to hear that the company would rather ensure the right site and management of the equipment than “simply shoehorn a system into an inappropriate space.” The team understood you need space to operate equipment and to allow for safe installation.

In each case study the team highlighted how they had considered risks appropriate to address at each location. These can be summarised as:

  1. Mobile Plant – Constantly Moving Heavy Machinery
  2. HGV Vehicles – Delivery & Removal of Materials
  3. Fixed Plant – Heavy Duty Equipment
  4. Bioaerosol – Airborne Pathogens
  5. Slips, Trips & Falls
  6. Work at Heights
  7. Lone Working
  8. Fire

They also highlighted the need to ensure that there is a safe loading area which separates loading equipment from people, surrounding structures and allows for clear vision of the surrounding environment to ensure no strikes or collisions occur. This is also true of output. Similar checks are put in place to make that either end of the process is safe, simple and easy to operate without building risk into the process.

The equipment can be set up in doors or outdoors and again the team has taken due consideration of the varying factors arising from these two scenarios. In every circumstance the equipment is secured and screened to protect against potential impacts or damage to the plant or surrounding superstructures. One-way systems have been utilised to ensure a logical and safe flow of materials to and from the site. Pedestrian and vehicular segregation and traffic management plans ensure that every risk is understood, mitigated against and removed or managed.

A key element of the equipment which gives it a leading edge is remote management and monitoring. The data and analysis provided allows Advetec experts to monitor performance, highlight anomalies and to make appropriate process and equipment adjustments.

Heat is monitored thus reducing the risk of fire but also ensuring the material is being processed at the optimum efficiency. Any gases are monitored and can highlight process effectiveness but also risk.

The team provides a full onsite training package and competence is assessed to ensure that operators are deemed and safe and responsible and manage the process and understand the process and the risks clearly.

It therefore appears that there are several levels of safety built into the product:

  • Robust design of the plant but also the installation and process line of the plant
  • Remote monitoring to ensure that the equipment runs effectively and efficiently and highlights a need for intervention
  • Commissioning, training and competence of client staff
  • Regular and ongoing relationship building with client, new staff members and maintenance engineers

The Advetec team appear to have thought about his sales approach end to end. Ensuring that the design and build is correct gives the machine the best chance of working on day one but also into the future. A safe and robust design builds resilience and keeps the equipment working at the optimum for the client but also keeps staff and neighbours safe and happy. Design also ensures that the system can’t be tampered with or adjusted without permissions.

Remote monitoring ensures the process works correctly, effectively and efficiently keeping the client happy but also reducing and removing risks when they can arise.

Staff training makes sure that safety is built in from day one and that competency ensure the equipment is run and maintained well.

Ongoing relationship ensures that both the client and Advetec get the most from the sales process through learning, experience and knowledge which they can then apply to the product and future product development.