This “workbook” brings into one place, guidance on how local and national health agencies provide support to help contain the virus, together with advice on outbreak management. Its aim is to encourage a widely shared understanding of these procedures and explain everyone’s obligations, what will be expected of them, and who will be making decisions in relation to infection prevention and outbreak control.

Section 1 describes the way in which the spread of COVID-19 is managed in Scotland

Section 2 describes the approach taken to manage incidents and outbreaks of COVID-19

Section 3 outlines how organisations and businesses across Scotland can take actions to prevent the spread of the virus and their role in reporting on and helping to manage outbreaks.

The national and global scientific evidence base about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus continues to develop. HSE carry out evidence summaries using the best available evidence at the time they were completed to inform the COVID-19 response.

On Thursday 21st January a nationwide communications campaign was introduced to boost the COVID-19 vaccination programme. This is the largest mass vaccination programme ever run in Scotland and it is vital that as many people become eligible that they get the vaccine quickly in  order for life to get back to some sort of normality.

Please support this campaign by sharing this message through your communication channels. For more information on how you can do this please link to the stakeholder toolkit below.