Feedback Form

Complete and submit the form below or download a SWITCH Forum Feedback Form

Q1. SWITCH will ensure we keep members updating on all relevant health and safety issues as well as reviewing the competency framework, pushing forward on ways of ensuring common base level of competency within the sector and supporting employees and companies with careers and qualifications. Is there a key issue you think SWITCH could focus on in 2021?

Q2. How can your organisation help support SWITCH going forward (present at an event/ webinar, produce or share a key document or resource, provide a case study, financially support the group or research which you think is relevant)?

Q3. Is there anything which you think SWITCH could improve upon?

Q4. Can you share a calendar of events planned on H&S or ET&C which your organisation will be holding throughout 2021 so SWITCH can plan its events and promote your events or even take part in and invite guest speakers?

Q5. Do you know of any other organisation or individual who could or would be interested in being a member of SWITCH and would you contact them and put them in contact with SWITCH?