Would you like to help your trainees learn more about sustainability?

Zero Waste Scotland, in partnership with Skills Development Scotland and Lantra, are seeking Work-based Learning Assessors, particularly those involved in apprenticeships, to help shape new sustainability materials linked to core and meta-skills. You don’t have to be an expert in recycling or carbon calculations, just keen to make a difference!

We want to hear from anyone who would like to help us better embed sustainability into work-based learning and make sure it is effectively (and easily!) assessed, enabling young people to evidence their continued development during these difficult times. It’s also a great way to meet other like-minded assessors!

We will run a series of virtual workshops for assessors across all disciplines; however we are particularly keen to hear from those within rural, automotive, construction, business administration and ICT sectors.

To find out more, email sarah.wotton@zerowastescotland.org.uk by 5pm on Wednesday 21st October 2020.