Violence and aggression at work can have a serious impact on your workers physical and mental health. This HSE guidance will help you assess the risks, put the right controls in place to protect workers and report incidents and learn from them.  Our front-line workers face this type of unacceptable behaviour on a far too regular basis. The incidents themselves are worrying in terms of the dangers they create for staff and other members of the general public, but many don’t think about the short- and long-term mental health and wellbeing impacts on those on the those facing aggression.

SWITCH Forum will soon be launching a new campaign to raise people’s awareness to the issues of violence and aggression so watch this space for more updates and assets to use to make more aware of the impacts of these thoughtless acts of aggression.

HSE refreshed guidance on violence at work to help you protect your workers to:

  • Simplify the navigation to help you easily find the information you need
  • Remove outdated content and replace it with up-to-date practical guidance
  • Remind you that HSE’s definition of violence includes aggression, such as verbal abuse or threats – this can be face to face, online or over the phone