Issued by a Scottish Local Authority
Subject: New COVID-19 Working Procedures
Important – if you intend to use please review and adapt for your current situation.
In order to reduce the amount of contact and the number of people within handover areas at the start and finish of beats the following setup has been introduced:
Part of the messing space has been set out to enable route packs, keys and daily information sheets to be collected without the need to attend to the dispatch hatch.
Debriefs and updates will be conducted in the open on a one to one basis with the driver or another crew member with a table used to enable distancing to be maintained.
Other employees can maintain their distance by utilising the remainder of the messing area and outside mustering areas.
All bags and keys are returned to the individual beat chair at the end of the shift and disinfected once all the bags are returned ready for use the following day.